Monday, April 19, 2010


I have read many letters (In the website i.e of many bank employees accusing the union leaders in regards to wage revision talks. These employees have shown their anger against the likely settlement. In this connection I have to say something:
1. Our leaders have sacrified a lot in making the life of bank employees comfortable. They have refused promotions to work for the welfare of employees. They have neglected their family too.
2. It is a fact that 100% members can not be satisfied. Every employee has its own interest, own priorities. Those who have not opted for pension, want another option for pension, those who have already opted for pension do not want it but higher increase in salary. Everybody is bahaving selfishly. There is no room of sacrifice or accommodating others.
3. Have you seen railway compartment? When you are out at station, you shout at the passangers who are in to open the gate. The time you are in, you ask the other passangers not to open the gate. Is it not happening now with this settlement?
4. I remember the days when I joined the Bank in 1978. My salary was less than Rs. 500/- and now I have all the comfort in my life. I give full credit to the Unions/Associations for it.

I urge the employees/officers not to behave like children, give their full support to their leaders and keep faith in them.

Atleast I am.

Source: Letter from an officer of Punjab National Bank.

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